Phi công của British Airways bị sa thải sau khi hít cocaine từ người một phụ nữ ngực trần

A British Airways pilot has been sacked (sa thải) after reports he snorted (hít) cocaine off a topless (ngực trần) woman before trying to fly a passenger plane back to London.

Married pilot Mike Beaton boasted (khoe khoang) about his antics (trò hề) to a stewardess (nữ tiếp viên hàng không) who raised the alarm, according to The Sun newspaper.

The father of one from Devon had been due to fly from Johannesburg, South Africa to London.

He was instead flown to Heathrow as a passenger the next day where he tested positive for drug use, the paper reported.

In a statement to Sky News, BA confirmed the pilot is no longer employed by the airline.

"Safety is always our top priority. The matter (vấn đề) was referred to the CAA [Civil Aviation Authority] (cơ quan hàng không dân dụng) and this individual no longer works for us," BA said.

The airline said the plane from Johannesburg was delayed overnight while a replacement first officer (cơ phó) was found to operate (điều hành) the flight.


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