Phòng R&D của Traphaco cần tiếp cận ngay cho Loxmen "bản địa hóa"

nọc nhện gây cương cứng có thể là Viagra thế hệ mới...

Venom from the Brazilian wandering spider (nhện săn mồi) (Phoneutria nigriventer) usually causes necrosis (chết hoại) or death of the penis and can sometimes lead to amputation (cắt cụt).

However, scientists have found that this deadly venom in smaller amounts could help treat erectile dysfunction (rối loạn cương dương).

Commonfly found in South American countries, the Brazilian wandering spider is also one of the most toxic (độc) species, with its venom capable of causing involuntary (không có chủ ý) and painful erections in men.

In addition to these abnormally extended erections, technically known as priapisms (chứng cương dương vật), their venom also causes nausea (nôm mửa) and abdominal cramps (đau bụng).
Scientists from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in Brazil have developed a synthetic (tổng hợp) version of the molecule (phân tử) in the venom that causes the erection.

The molecule, called BZ371A, has been shown to trigger erections in mice and rats when put into a gel and spread on the groins of the animals.

It works by triggering the release of nitric oxide in the body, which in turn boosts blood flow to the genitals in a similar way to Viagra.


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