Người dân Ecuador tranh cãi về biện pháp mới quyết liệt của Tổng thống nhằm chống lại các băng đảng ma túy

với lời thề mang lại hòa bình cho một đất nước tan vỡ, Tổng thống Daniel Noboa triển khai quân đội để đối đầu với cái mà ông gọi là các nhóm “khủng bố”


A sense of dread took hold in Ecuador on Wednesday, with the streets empty, schools closed and many people afraid to leave their homes after the disappearance (biến mất) of two gang leaders set off prison riots, police kidnappings and the on-air storming of a TV station.

Even for a country accustomed to violence (quen với bạo lực), the events that have rocked Ecuador this week were shocking.

The violence soon spilled over into cities and towns, where drug gangs run rampant. On Tuesday, explosions were reported, police officers were kidnapped (bắt cóc), hospitals were seized and cars set on fire. People scrambled to get home, jumping on the back of trucks as bus service stopped in Guayaquil, and the police and armed people exchanged gunfire, including near a school.

In Ecuador, the presidential declaration (tuyên bố của tổng thống) was widely (rộng rãi) seen as a turning point in the crisis that has subsumed the once-peaceful nation over the past two years, as the country of nearly 18 million has been dominated by an increasingly powerful narco-trafficking industry (ngành buôn bán ma túy).

But others said the government needed to take a firm hand if the country was going to stop the bloodshed (đổ máu). Videos posted on Wednesday and shared on social media showed shoppers in a grocery store in Guayaquil clapping and cheering as a procession of soldiers entered (đoàn quân lính tiến vào).

source: nytimes,

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