Các nhà máy mới của Mỹ đối mặt với thách thức quen thuộc

mối lo ngại đang gia tăng ở Washington rằng làn sóng sản phẩm Trung Quốc có thể khiến các khoản đầu tư mới của Mỹ vào các nhà máy năng lượng sạch và công nghệ cao gặp rủi ro

The Biden administration has begun pumping more than $2 trillion into U.S. factories and infrastructure, investing huge sums to try to strengthen American industry and fight climate change.

As U.S. factories spin up to produce electric vehicles (xe điện) , semiconductors and solar panels (tấm năng lượng mặt trời), China is flooding the market with similar goods, often at significantly lower prices than American competitors. A similar influx is also hitting the European market.

American executives and officials argue that China’s actions violate global trade rules. The concerns are spurring new calls in America and Europe for higher tariffs on Chinese imports, potentially escalating what is already a contentious economic relationship between China and the West.

Congress is also agitating for more protections. In a Jan. 5 letter to the Biden administration, bipartisan members of a House committee expressed concerns about China flooding the United States with semiconductors. Lawmakers asked whether the government could establish a new “component” tariff that would tax a chip imported inside another finished product.

The average price for an electric vehicle in China is around $28,000, compared (so sánh) with about $47,500 in the United States, according to Dunne Insights, an electric vehicle market research firm. In the fourth quarter (quý tư) last year, the Chinese automaker BYD delivered more electric vehicles than Tesla for the first time.

source: nytimes,

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