Francis kêu gọi cấm mang thai hộ, gọi đó là 'đáng khinh'

đức thánh cha nói rằng thai nhi không được “biến thành đối tượng buôn bán”, mở rộng sự lên án của ngài đối với hành vi vốn đã bất hợp pháp ở ý và một số nước châu âu khác.

Pope (đức thánh cha) Francis on Monday called surrogate motherhood (mang thai hộ) a “despicable” (đáng khinh) practice that should be universally banned for its “commercialization” (thương mại hóa) of pregnancy, including the practice among wars, terrorism (khủng bố) and other threats to peace and humanity in an annual speech to ambassadors (đại sứ).

An unborn child must not be “turned into an object of trafficking (buôn bán, buôn lậu),” Francis said. He added, “I consider despicable the practice of so-called surrogate motherhood, which represents a grave violation of the dignity (vi phạm nghiêm trọng nhân phẩm) of the woman and the child, based on the exploitation (khai thác) of situations (hoàn cảnh) of the mother’s material needs.” A child, he said, should never be “the basis (nền tảng) of a commercial contract,” and called for a global ban on surrogacy (mang thai hộ) “to prohibit (cấm) this practice universally.”

Surrogacy is already illegal in Italy and compensated (trả phí) surrogacy is also illegal or restricted in much of Europe. The United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Portugal and several other nations allow surrogacy under certain conditions. Paid surrogacy is legal in some European nations, including Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

Surrogate mothers in the United States and Canada are often hired by Europeans, including same-sex couples, seeking to have children, though some American states have outlawed (cấm) the practice.

source: nytimes,

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