Báo cáo cho biết tác động lớn nhất của Generative A.I. sẽ là lĩnh vực ngân hàng và công nghệ

đối với một số công ty, công nghệ mới là cơ hội để nâng cao năng suất và lợi nhuận. công nhân của họ cũng sẽ được hưởng lợi chứ

A new generation of artificial intelligence is poised (sẵn sàng) to turn old assumptions about technology on their head.

For years, people working in warehouses (nhà kho) or fast food restaurants worried that automation could eliminate their jobs. But new research suggests that generative A.I. — the kind (loại) used in chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT — will have its biggest impact on white-collar workers with high-paying jobs in industries like banking and tech.

A report published Thursday by the Burning Glass Institute, a nonprofit research center (trung tâm nghiên cứu phi lợi nhuận), and SHRM, formerly the Society for Human Resource Management (hiệp hội quản lý nguồn nhân lực), stops short of saying the technology will do away with large numbers of jobs. But it makes clear that workers need to better prepare for a future in which A.I. could play a significant role in many workplaces that until now have been largely untouched by technological disruption (gián đoạn).

For people in tech, it means they may be building their A.I. replacements.

“There’s no question the workers who will be impacted (ảnh hưởng) most are those with college degrees, and those are the people who always thought they were safe,” said Matt Sigelman, president of the Burning Glass Institute.

source: nytimes,

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