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một phân tích mới cho thấy xu hướng giảm lượng tuyết rơi trên 82 trong số 169 lưu vực sông lớn ở Bắc bán cầu, bao gồm cả sông Colorado ở Mỹ, chảy dọc theo bang Utah

A new study published on Wednesday shows that the human-caused climate crisis has reduced snowpack in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere in the last 40 years, threatening crucial water resources (đe dọa nguồn nước quan trọng) for millions of people.

Part of the problem has been that snowfall is notoriously difficult to measure accurately, and scientific data from ground observations, satellites, and climate models have given contradictory signals on the role of climate change in declining snowpacks. Some areas have even experienced more snow in our warmer world.

Back-to-back years of less snowpack in the western US have already given a preview of what future winters and springs could look like in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, from unprecedented water shortages to worsening wildfires, said Mankin.

Snow also helps prevent wildfires (cháy rừng) or can reduce their intensity. Unlike rain, which can run off quickly, snow melts slowly over time and can provide a slow and sustained release of water into the soil, making it less likely to ignite and providing less fuel for fires to spread.

Less snowpack also carries a significant toll for places that rely on winter recreational activities, such as skiing and snowboarding, as key economic drivers. Many ski resorts in the Northern Hemisphere are facing such challenges already, with many now relying on snow cannons to ensure there’s enough snow to keep businesses operational. Some places are approaching temperature thresholds (ngưỡng nhiệt) that will make even machine-made snow unviable.

source: cnn,

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