Trump nhận hàng triệu USD từ các thực thể nước ngoài khi làm Tổng thống

đảng dân chủ tại hạ viện đưa ra bằng chứng cho thấy Trump nhận ít nhất 7,8 triệu usd từ các thực thể nước ngoài khi còn đương chức, tham gia vào kiểu hành vi đảng cộng hòa đang thực hiện. đang bám vào tổng thống biden.

Donald J. Trump’s businesses received at least $7.8 million from 20 foreign governments during his presidency (nhiệm kỳ tổng thống), according to new documents released by House Democrats (đảng dân chủ) on Thursday that show how much he received from overseas transactions (giao dịch) while he was in the White House, most of it from China.

The transactions, detailed in a 156-page report called “White House For Sale” that was produced by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee (ủy ban giám sát hạ viện), offer concrete (cụ thể) evidence that the former president engaged in the kind of conduct that House Republicans have labored (thực hiện), so far unsuccessfully, to prove that President Biden did as they work to build an impeachment case (luận tội) against him.

Using documents produced through a court fight, the report describes how foreign governments and their controlled entities (thực thể), including a top U.S. adversary (đối thủ), interacted with Trump businesses while he was president. They paid millions to the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.; Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas; Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York; and Trump World Tower at 845 United Nations Plaza in New York.

source: nytimes,

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