Chơi bóng đá trong đôi dép 1,50 đô la mà ngay cả Gucci cũng muốn sao chép

ở Bờ Biển Ngà, lêkê là loại giày được ưa chuộng cho các trận đấu nghiệp dư

The wealthy pros of Ivory Coast’s national soccer team were resting in their luxury hotel last week, preparing for a match in Africa’s biggest tournament, when Yaya Camara sprinted onto a dusty lot and began fizzing (sủi bọt) one pass after another to his friends.

Over and over, he corralled (bị quây lại) the game’s underinflated ball and then sent it away again with his favorite soccer shoes: worn plastic sandals long derided as the sneaker of the poor, but which he and his friends wear as a badge of honor.

While the best African teams run out in expensive brand

The drop in sales might also be because Mr. Samaké, describing his mood as “overwhelmed” after one particularly crushing loss, didn’t leave the house for two days.ed cleats (giày đinh) at this year’s continental soccer championship, the Africa Cup of Nations, it is in lêkê (pronounced leh-keh) that amateur players (cầu thủ nghiệp dư) craft the best street soccer.

As soccer shoes, lêkê are a short-term commitment, since the straps often break after only a few weeks. They are only replaced when they can’t hold the feet anymore, so worn soles are a point of pride — proof of hours of uninterrupted play on scrappy fields locally known as Maracana, in homage to the famed soccer stadium in Rio de Janeiro. The scars and scratches left on feet by the metallic strap (dây đeo kim loại) are both a badge (huy hiệu) of suffering and a symbol of dedication to the game, players say.

source: nytimes,

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