Công nghiệp xanh của Châu Âu có nguy cơ bị đánh cắp?

các khoản trợ cấp hào phóng đang giúp Mỹ đánh cắp các ngành công nghiệp xanh từ châu Âu

The electric battery company Freyr was partway through constructing this hulking facility (cơ sở đóng gói) when the Biden administration’s sweeping climate bill (dự luật khí hậu) passed in 2022. Perhaps the most significant climate legislation in history, the Inflation Reduction Act promised an estimated $369 billion in tax breaks (giảm thuế) and grants for clean energy technology over the next decade. Its incentives for battery production within the United States were so generous (hào phóng) that they eventually helped prod Freyr to pause its Norway facility and focus on setting up shop in Georgia.

The start-up is still raising funds (gây quỹ) to build the factory as it tries to prove the viability of its key technology, but it has already changed its business registration (đăng ký kinh doanh) to the United States.

Freyr itself is not a sure bet. The company is still working to prove that its key energy storage technology is scalable (có thể mở rộng), and its stock price slumped in 2023 amid development delays. (It ticked up slightly last week after an operations update suggesting progress.)

While it will receive U.S. production tax credits only if it successfully produces batteries, any favorable loans it wins to enable factory construction in Georgia could fail to yield much if the firm ultimately proves unsuccessful. Already, it had received $17.5 million in public help to construct the Norway factory.

source: nytimes,

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