Thuế mới đối với hàng nhập khẩu và sự tách biệt khỏi Trung Quốc: Chương trình nghị sự thương mại năm 2025 của Trump

Donald Trump có kế hoạch mở rộng mạnh mẽ sử dụng thuế quan nếu ông trở lại nắm quyền, có nguy cơ gây gián đoạn nền kinh tế trong nỗ lực chuyển đổi

Former President Donald J. Trump is planning an aggressive expansion of his first-term efforts to upend America’s trade policies if he returns to power in 2025 — including imposing a new tax on “most imported goods” that would risk alienating allies (nguy cơ xa lánh đồng minh) and igniting a global trade war (châm ngòi một cuộc chiến thương mại toàn cầu).

While the Biden administration has kept tariffs (thuế quan) that Mr. Trump imposed on China, Mr. Trump would go far beyond that and try to wrench apart the world’s two largest economies, which exchanged some $758 billion in goods and services last year. Mr. Trump has said he would “enact aggressive new restrictions on Chinese ownership” of a broad range of assets in the United States, bar Americans from investing in China and phase in a complete ban on imports of key categories (danh mục chính) of Chinese-made goods like electronics, steel and pharmaceuticals.

Mr. Trump, who calls himself a “tariff man,” took steps in that direction as president, including placing tariffs on various imports, hamstringing the World Trade Organization and starting a trade war with China. If he is elected, he plans a more audacious intervention (can thiệp táo bạo) in hopes of eliminating the trade deficit and bolstering manufacturing — with potentially seismic consequences for jobs, prices, diplomatic relations and the global trading system (quan hệ ngoại giao và hệ thống thương mại toàn cầu).

Mr. Trump’s trade wars were costly. After China — which has become the largest export market for American farmers — retaliated by raising tariffs on U.S. agricultural products like soybeans, the Trump administration began a $28 billion government bailout to keep farmers afloat. A February 2020 study calculated that the higher cost of metal for American manufacturers owing to the steel tariffs had caused a loss of about 75,000 jobs.

source: nytimes,

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