Khi Trump tìm cách trì hoãn phiên tòa, công tố viên New York đề nghị hoãn 30 ngày

đề xuất của văn phòng luật sư quận Manhattan đưa ra nhằm đáp lại yêu cầu của Donald J. Trump về việc trì hoãn 90 ngày để luật sư của ông có thời gian xem xét loạt hồ sơ mới

Less than two weeks before Donald J. Trump is set to go on trial on criminal charges in Manhattan, the prosecutors who brought the case proposed a delay of up to 30 days, a startling development in the first prosecution (truy tố) of a former American president.

The Manhattan district attorney’s office, which accused Mr. Trump of covering up a sex scandal during and after the 2016 presidential campaign, said the delay would give Mr. Trump’s lawyers time to review a new batch of records (hồ sơ mới). The office sought the records more than a year ago, but only recently received them from federal prosecutors (công tố viên liên bang), who years ago investigated the hush-money payments at the center of the case.

The judge, Juan M. Merchan, would have to approve any delay (chấp nhận mọi sự chậm trễ), and it remains unclear how and when he will rule. Justice Merchan, who could choose to delay the trial for as long as he sees fit, has made a point (đưa ra quan điểm) of pushing the case forward at every turn.

He is currently scheduled to preside over another important trial in his courtroom (phòng xử án) beginning in late May: Mr. Bragg’s prosecution of Stephen K. Bannon, a former adviser to Mr. Trump.

Any delay in Mr. Trump’s Manhattan case would most likely delight the former president, whose central strategy for fighting his legal entanglements is to stall.

It is unclear why the Southern District failed to provide the records earlier to Mr. Bragg, a close law enforcement partner. A spokesman for the Southern District declined to comment.

Mr. Trump’s lawyers recently asked Justice Merchan to throw out the case because, they asserted, prosecutors had failed to turn over relevant documents (tài liệu liên quan).

source: nytimes,

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