Việc dẫn độ Assange tạm dừng cho đến khi Mỹ đưa ra nhiều đảm bảo hơn

thẩm phán Anh yêu cầu Mỹ, quốc gia muốn xét xử người sáng lập WikiLeaks về tội gián điệp, để có thêm đảm bảo về cách đối xử với ông ta

The High Court in London ruled on Tuesday that Julian Assange, the embattled WikiLeaks founder, cannot be immediately extradited to the United States, saying American authorities must offer assurances about his treatment first, including over his First Amendment rights and protection from the death penalty (án tử hình).

The decision had been highly anticipated as the moment the court would decide if Mr. Assange had exhausted his challenges within British courts. Instead, in a nuanced ruling, two judges determined that clarity on his fate would again be on hold.

If those assurances are not given by April 16, then Mr. Assange will be granted a full appeal hearing. If the United States does provide the requested assurances (yêu cầu đảm bảo), there will be a further hearing on May 20 to decide if they “are satisfactory, and to make a final decision on leave to appeal.”

While the United States has already provided some assurances (đảm bảo) over the treatment of Mr. Assange if he was extradited, the High Court judges asked for additional guarantees.

During a two-day hearing in the High Court in February, Mr. Assange’s lawyer Edward Fitzgerald told the judges, Victoria Sharp and Jeremy Johnson, that his client had been “exposing serious criminality” by publishing the leaked documents (tài liệu lộ ra ngoài), and laid out nine grounds on which Mr. Assange hoped to appeal the extradition order (kháng cáo lệnh dẫn độ).

In their ruling on Tuesday, the judges dismissed six of the nine grounds for appeal as unfounded.

source: nytimes,

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