Ngân sách của Tổng thống Biden nhấn mạnh sự chia rẽ đảng Cộng hòa và Trump
ngân sách trị giá 7,3 nghìn tỷ USD của tổng thống cho năm tài chính tiếp theo đề xuất chi tiêu mới giúp đỡ tầng lớp trung lưu ảnh hưởng bởi mức thuế cao hơn người thu nhập cao và tập đoàn
President Biden proposed (đề xuất) a $7.3 trillion budget (ngân sách) on Monday packed with tax increases on corporations and high earners, new spending on social programs (chương trình xã hội) and a wide range of efforts to combat high consumer costs like housing and college tuition.
The proposal includes only relatively small changes from the budget plan Mr. Biden submitted last year, which went nowhere in Congress, though it reiterates (nhắc lại) his call for lawmakers to spend about $100 billion to strengthen border security and deliver aid to Israel and Ukraine.
Polls have found that Americans are dissatisfied with Mr. Biden’s handling of the economy and favor Mr. Trump’s approach to economic issues. But the president has been unwavering in his core economic policy strategy, and the budget shows that he is not deviating (đi chệch hướng) from that plan.
Mr. Biden’s budget proposes about $3 trillion in new measures to reduce the federal deficit over the next decade (giảm thâm hụt liên bang trong thập kỷ tới). That is in line with his budget proposal last year, which narrowed deficits by raising taxes on businesses and the rich and by allowing the government to bargain more aggressively with pharmaceutical companies to reduce spending on prescription drugs.
In another key area, Mr. Biden’s proposal punts on key details: what to do about the provisions of the 2017 Republican tax law, including tax cuts for individuals, that expire in 2025. The budget calls that expiration (hết hạn), which was written into the law in order to hold down its estimated cost, “fiscally reckless.” But it does not specify how Mr. Biden would handle the expirations if he wins a second term.
Instead, the budget says Mr. Biden would seek to extend tax breaks for people earning less than $400,000 a year, offset with “additional reforms to ensure that wealthy people and big corporations pay their fair share.”
source: nytimes,
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