Tội hối lộ ở Singapore

Singapore’s transport minister (bộ trưởng giao thông vận tải), S. Iswaran, was charged (bị buộc tội) with corruption (tham nhũng) and taking bribes (hối lộ). He is accused of having accepted “Hamilton” and soccer tickets, a trip on a private jet and more. He resigned (từ chức) before he pleaded not guilty (không nhận tội) yesterday.

This unprecedented set of events was a blow to the country’s squeaky-clean reputation (danh tiếng trong sạch). The governing People’s Action Party has faced several accusations of impropriety (cáo buộc không đúng mực) in recent months, and this new scandal (vụ bê bối) could hurt the party as it heads toward a major transition in 10 months.

source: nytimes,
Tags: Thanh Thanh

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