Trận cháy rừng nguy hiểm nhất ở Chile trở nên tồi tệ hơn do thiếu nước

áp lực nước kém và vòi nước khô cạn là trở ngại lớn của việc dập tắt đám cháy hồi tháng 2 khiến nhiều người thiệt mạng dọc theo Bờ biển Thái Bình Dương của đất nước

As a fast-moving wildfire swept through (cháy rừng lan nhanh quét qua) the cities of Viña del Mar and Quilpué on Chile’s Pacific Coast last month, flames engulfed residents on the street, destroyed homes and overwhelmed the utility grid. Power shut off, communications went down (thông tin liên lạc xuống cấp) and not enough water reached a critical line of defense (tuyến phòng thủ quan trọng): the fire hydrants.

In this video report, firefighters and residents in the two cities told New York Times reporters that the insufficient water had hampered efforts (nỗ lực bị cản trở) to save homes and stop the fire’s advance, eventually forcing them to abandon parts of the two cities.

In early January, after a supermarket burned down in Viña del Mar, the city’s fire chief, Patricio Brito, told a local TV station that there had been no water in the hydrants, saying, “The reality is, the water in this sector is zero, zero.”

A local congressman, Andrés Celis Montt, said at the time that “serious problems” with the hydrants needed to be investigated and addressed before peak wildfire season (đỉnh điểm mùa cháy rừng), which in Chile typically lasts until April.

In Quilpué, Mauricio Miranda said firefighters had failed to find water in nearby hydrants and stood by waiting for fresh supplies to arrive as his house burned.

source: nytimes,

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