Ấn Độ cho biết Luật dân sự trục xuất người Hồi giáo có hiệu lực

đạo luật gây ra cuộc bạo loạn chết người khi thông qua. Sau 4 năm trì hoãn, đạo luật có hiệu lực trước chiến dịch tái tranh cử của Thủ tướng Narendra Modi

The incendiary law grants Indian citizenship to persecuted Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsees and Christians from a few nearby countries. Muslims are pointedly excluded (bị loại trừ rõ ràng).

With a characteristic thunderclap, the government of India’s prime minister (thủ tướng), Narendra Modi, made a short declaration (tuyên bố ngắn gọn) on Monday night that it had finalized the details that would bring the law, known as the Citizenship Amendment Act, into force.

Politics aside, the law is not expected to significantly change the demography (thay đổi đáng kể nhân khẩu học) of India’s diverse population of 1.4 billion, at least not on its own. But it makes plain the power that Mr. Modi wields to redefine the Indian republic, steamrolling any resistance to his vision of a Hindu-first state.

The government justified the new rules as a humanitarian response to the plight of minorities (phản ứng nhân đạo trước hoàn cảnh của thiểu số) in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, India’s three big Muslim-majority neighbors. Yogi Adityanath, a Hindu monk turned political ally of Mr. Modi, wrote on social media that rescuing communities “who are suffering from religious brutality” would bring “joy to humanity.”

One group that rejoiced at the news is a large community of lower-caste Hindus in West Bengal, whose ancestors (tổ tiên) came to India from Bangladesh. Their support for Mr. Modi in the upcoming election could tip several parliamentary seats (ghế quốc hội) into the majority that he is expected to achieve anyway.

source: nytimes,

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