Donald Trump và Joe Biden giành được đề cử đến từ hai đảng

sau khi vượt qua cuộc tranh cử vào thứ Ba, cựu tổng thống và tổng thống hiện tại đã giành được số đại biểu mà hai ứng cử viên cần cho trận tái đấu mong đợi từ lâu

President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump on Tuesday secured the delegates necessary to clinch their parties’ presidential nominations (bầu cử tổng thống), according to The Associated Press, cementing a general election rematch in November months in the making.

Both men and their campaigns have long anticipated this moment. Mr. Biden faced only token opposition in the Democratic primary, as is typical for a sitting president, while Mr. Trump had been his party’s dominant front-runner for months.

Their November collision began to look even more likely after Mr. Trump scored a decisive win in Iowa in January. His victory cleared the field of all but one of his major Republican rivals and put him on a glide path to his party’s nomination. His last remaining primary challenger, Nikki Haley, suspended her campaign (đình chỉ chiến dịch) last week, further clearing a path that had already been remarkably free of obstacles (không có chướng ngại vật) for a candidate facing considerable legal problems (ứng cử viên đối mặt với vấn đề pháp lý).

That Mr. Trump was able to lock up the Republican nomination fairly quickly demonstrates the grasp he has kept on the party and his conservative base, despite his 2020 loss and failed efforts to overturn it; a string of disappointing midterm losses by candidates he backed; and his 91 felony charges in four criminal cases.

The former president won nearly every nominating contest that awarded delegates, with Ms. Haley scoring wins in only Vermont and Washington, D.C., where she became the first woman to ever win a Republican presidential primary or caucus (cuộc bầu cử sơ bộ hoặc họp kín của tổng thống).

More recently, Mr. Trump’s legal team made a last-ditch effort to delay the trial before it starts. In court papers made public on Monday, his lawyers argued that the trial should not take place until the Supreme Court has decided whether Mr. Trump is immune from prosecution (miễn truy tố) in his Washington criminal case, which involves accusations that he plotted to overturn the 2020 election.

source: nytimes,

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