Cựu kỹ sư của Google buộc tội ăn cắp bí mật A.I. cho công ty Trung Quốc

Linwei Ding, quốc tịch Trung Quốc, bắt ở California và bị cáo buộc tải hàng trăm tệp lên đám mây

A Chinese citizen who recently quit his job (nghỉ việc) as a software engineer (kỹ sư phần mềm) for Google in California has been charged with trying to transfer artificial intelligence technology to a Beijing-based company that paid him secretly, according to a federal indictment unsealed (bản cáo trạng liên bang chưa niêm phong) on Wednesday.

Prosecutors accused Linwei Ding, who was part of the team that designs and maintains Google’s vast A.I. supercomputer data system (hệ thống dữ liệu siêu máy tính), of stealing information about the “architecture and functionality” of the system, and of pilfering software used to “orchestrate” supercomputers “at the cutting edge of machine learning (đỉnh cao của máy học) and A.I. technology.”

Mr. Ding openly sought funding for a new A.I. start-up company he had incorporated (hợp nhất) at an investor conference in Beijing in November, boasting that “we have experience with Google’s 10,000-card computational power platform; we just need to replicate and upgrade it,” prosecutors (công tố viên) said in the indictment, which was unsealed in San Francisco federal court.

Mr. Ding listed a degree from the Dalian Institute of Technology in China in 2010, along with degrees from the University of Southern California and Stanford, on a LinkedIn page that corresponded to his name and the details of employment at Google.

The page lists stints at software semiconductor and health care companies over the past decade, along with awards he said he earned at Google, including the “Perfy Award and Feats of Engineering.”

source: nytimes,

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