F.A.A. kiểm tra hoạt động sản xuất Boeing 737 Max phát hiện nhiều sai sót

công ty thất bại 33 trong số 89 cuộc chạy thử trong quá trình kiểm tra do Cục Hàng không Liên bang tiến hành sau khi cánh cửa của máy bay Alaska Airlines bật mở trong chuyến bay

The air-safety regulator (cơ quan quản lý an toàn hàng không) initiated the examination after a door panel blew off a 737 Max 9 during an Alaska Airlines flight in early January. Last week, the agency announced that the audit had found “multiple instances” in which Boeing and the supplier, Spirit AeroSystems, failed to comply with quality-control requirements (yêu cầu kiểm soát chất lượng), though it did not provide specifics about the findings.

The presentation reviewed by The Times, though highly technical, offers a more detailed picture of what the audit turned up. Since the Alaska Airlines episode, Boeing has come under intense scrutiny over its quality-control practices (thực hành kiểm soát chất lượng), and the findings add to the body of evidence about manufacturing lapses at the company (bằng chứng về sai sót trong sản xuất tại công ty).

In another instance, the F.A.A. saw Spirit mechanics apply liquid Dawn soap to a door seal “as lubricant in the fit-up process,” according to the document. The door seal was then cleaned with a wet cheesecloth, the document said, noting that instructions were “vague and unclear on what specifications/actions are to be followed or recorded by the mechanic.”

One audit dealt with the component that blew off the Alaska Airlines jet, known as a door plug. Boeing failed that check, according to the presentation. Some of the issues flagged by that audit related to inspection and quality-control documentation, though the exact findings were not detailed in the presentation.

The F.A.A.’s examination also explored how well Boeing’s employees understood the company’s quality-control processes (quy trình kiểm soát chất lượng). The agency interviewed six company engineers and scored their responses, and the overall average score came out to only 58 percent.

source: nytimes,

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