Đặc vụ Liên bang đột kích ngôi nhà gắn liền với Sean Combs ở Los Angeles và Miami

trả lời các câu hỏi về nơi ở của ông Combs, Cơ quan Điều tra An ninh Nội địa cho biết cuộc khám xét là một phần của “cuộc điều tra đang diễn ra”

Federal agents raided homes in Los Angeles and the Miami area on Monday that are connected to the hip-hop mogul Sean Combs, a person with knowledge of the case said.

Homeland Security Investigations carried out the raids but did not provide details (cung cấp chi tiết) about the case, including whether Mr. Combs was a target or which criminal charges were being investigated. Mr. Combs, who is also known as Puff Daddy or Diddy, has been accused of sexual assault and sex trafficking in multiple civil lawsuits (nhiều vụ kiện dân sự) over the last several months.

The raids were a stunning development in the career of Mr. Combs, 54, a producer, label executive and occasional rapper who has been one of the most influential and widely recognized figures in the music business over the last 30 years.

That case, filed in a detailed 35-page complaint, drew headlines around the world and imperiled the business brand he had steadily built up over decades (xây dựng vững chắc qua nhiều thập kỷ). In the months before Ms. Ventura’s suit, Mr. Combs was given industry awards and released his first studio album in 17 years.

Even after its settlement, Ms. Ventura’s suit was followed by several more cases, each accusing Mr. Combs of sexual assault. In one case filed last month, a music producer, Rodney Jones, said that Mr. Combs had made unwanted sexual contact with him, and forced him to hire prostitutes and participate in sex acts with them. In recent months, many of Mr. Combs’s business partners have distanced themselves from him.

The neighborhood, just a mile east of the University of California, Los Angeles, is accustomed to attention. Boasting a long list of celebrity residents, it is where Hugh Hefner once threw lavish parties at the Playboy Mansion and where Michael Jackson lived in a château just before his death. Most estates are surrounded by gates and greenery or vine-covered stone walls (bức tường đá phủ đầy dây leo) — pillars of privacy for a community known for its exclusivity.

source: nytimes,

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