Việc cắt bộ phận sinh dục nữ tiếp tục gia tăng trên toàn thế giới
chiến dịch ở một số quốc gia giảm bớt tục lệ nhưng còn phổ biến ở quốc gia có tỷ lệ tăng dân số cao
More than 230 million women and girls around the world have undergone female genital cutting (cắt bộ phận sinh dục nữ), according to a new analysis by UNICEF, an increase of 30 million since the organization’s last global estimate in 2016.
While the data shows that in some countries a new generation of parents have chosen to forgo the practice, in other countries laws and campaigns against it have had no impact. In Burkina Faso, the share of girls aged 15 to 19 years who have undergone cutting has fallen to 39 percent from 82 percent over the past three decades. But in Somalia, where an estimated 99 percent of women have had their clitoris excised (âm vật bị cắt bỏ), the level of cutting has not changed.
Because the countries where the practice is most prevalent are also those with the highest rates of population growth, the overall number of girls who are subject to cutting is growing (gia tăng) each year.
UNICEF made its calculations (tính toán) using the responses from routine national household surveys (khảo sát hộ gia đình định kỳ trên toàn quốc)in the 31 countries where the practice is more common. Those surveys ask women if they have been cut, and if their daughters have been cut, and asks both women and men in households where a woman has been cut whether they think the practice should continue.
The new data shows that a significant shift has happened in a few countries, such as Kenya, where the practice was widespread 30 years ago and is limited today to the areas of the country where most people are from the Somali ethnic community. One clear trend, Ms. Cappa, the UNICEF adviser said, is that changing norms (thay đổi chuẩn mực) around cutting is easier in countries such as Kenya, where the practice is not universal but rather a tradition of some religious or ethnic groups.
The national surveys found that two-thirds of men and women in households (hộ gia đình) where a woman had been cut, in Africa and the Middle East, said that they thought the practice should end. In countries such as Djibouti and Sierra Leone, where it is still common, more men than women said they were opposed (phản đối).
source: nytimes,
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