Nhà lập pháp Pháp đưa quyền tiếp cận việc phá thai vào Hiến pháp

các nhà lập pháp thông qua sửa đổi mang lại cho phụ nữ “quyền tự do được đảm bảo” trong việc chấm dứt thai kỳ, điều mà chuyên gia gọi là sửa đổi đầu tiên trên toàn cầu

French legislators on Monday voted to explicitly enshrine access to abortion (phá thai) in the Constitution, making their country the first in the world to do so.

Acutely aware that they were breaking historical ground (phá vỡ nền tảng lịch sử) from the grand assembly room (phòng họp lớn) inside Versailles Palace, the politicians delivered impassioned speeches about women’s rights around the world, paid homage to the courageous Frenchwomen who had fought for abortion rights when it was illegal and leaped up time and again to offer standing ovations.

The amendment declares abortion to be a “guaranteed freedom,” overseen by Parliament’s laws. That means future governments will not be able to “drastically modify (sửa đổi mạnh mẽ)” the current laws funding abortion (luật tài trợ cho việc phá thai) for women who seek one, up to 14 weeks into their pregnancies, according to the French justice minister, Éric Dupond-Moretti.

The motivation for the latest change was the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022, an issue raised repeatedly (vấn đề được nêu lên nhiều lần) by legislators. But the move also reflects the widespread support for abortion in France, and a successful campaign by a coalition of feminist activists and lawmakers from multiple parties.

Just last week, members of a coalition of lawmakers (liên minh các nhà lập pháp) and feminist organizations (tổ chức nữ quyền) feared that the Senate, dominated by conservatives, might derail the amendment, but it passed.

source: nytimes,

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