Ngành công nghiệp pin mặt trời của Đức từng dẫn đầu đối mặt với việc bị chèn ép

nhà sản xuất trong nước bị mắc kẹt giữa mức giá thấp của Trung Quốc và chính sách bảo hộ của Mỹ, ngay cả khi nhu cầu tăng lên

Before China came to dominate the solar panel industry, Germany led the way. It was the world’s largest producer of solar panels, with several start-ups clustered in the former East Germany, until about a decade ago when China ramped up (đẩy mạnh) production and undercut just about everyone on price.

Now as Germany and the rest of Europe try to reach ambitious goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the demand for solar panels has only increased.

Some of the last remaining manufacturers in Germany’s solar industry (ngành công nghiệp năng lượng mặt trời) are not ready to give up.

But for European solar manufacturers, the problem has gotten worse in the past year. Not only have the Chinese increased their production of solar panels, but the United States tightened its tariffs to include Chinese panels shipped to Southeast Asian countries for final assembly. That has caused a flood of Chinese panels to reach Europe at below-market prices, government officials and company executives say, crushing any chance (nghiền nát mọi cơ hội) at fair competition.

Solarwatt, based in the former East Germany, said it might also have to close one of its solar panel plants. But making panels is only one part of the company; it also creates systems that connect the power generated by solar panels (tấm năng lượng mặt trời) to wall boxes that can charge cars and heat pumps to warm homes.

Meyer Burger’s decision to shut its plant in Freiberg has left as many as 500 jobs in limbo. The company’s chief executive, Mr. Erfurt, said the factory’s future depended on political leaders in Berlin. “But we don’t see a bridge being built (xây dựng cầu nối) from the government at the moment,” he said.

At the same time, the company is contemplating other alternatives, he said, adding that “one option is simply to dismantle and rebuild it in U.S.”

source: nytimes,

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