Khủng hoảng xe tải thay đổi cuộc sống ở Nhật Bản như thế nào?

đất nước này tiến tới hạn chế thời gian làm việc khắc nghiệt của ngành. Nhưng điều đó có thể để lại sự thiếu hụt gián đoạn toàn bộ hệ thống hậu cần của Nhật Bản

Japan’s trucking industry is a crucial cog (móc xích quan trọng) in one of the world’s largest economies, and it is the lifeblood of the Japanese culture of ultra-convenience (siêu tiện lợi). But it, and its drivers, are under immense strain. To improve job conditions and make the work more appealing, the government is moving to cap overtime for the first time next year, easing the punishing hours that have long defined trucking in Japan.

Addressing that problem, however, will create others — potentially disrupting the nation’s entire logistics system. It is unlikely that enough drivers of big rigs (giàn khoan lớn) and delivery trucks can be hired anytime soon to make up for the lost overtime hours. The shortfall could leave supermarket shelves bare of some items and threaten the speedy door-to-door shipping — luggage to the airport, or golf clubs to and from the resort — to which Japanese people are accustomed.

More than 90 percent of cargo in Japan travels by road, compared with about 73 percent in the United States. With the lost overtime hours, analysts are estimating (ước tính) a 14 percent deficit (thiếu hụt) in delivery capacity (năng lực giao hàng) next year.

Trucking companies, too, are being squeezed, by rising fuel prices and vehicle maintenance costs, said Hiroyuki Utsunomiya, 74, the president of a trucking company in Miyagi Prefecture. “When the regulation is tightened in 2024, it will be tougher to do business,” he said. In Aomori, the governor has asked the government to relax the rules for truck drivers in his prefecture.

source: nytimes,

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