Biden và Trump cố gắng ghi điểm tại điểm nóng chính trị

ở Nam Texas, Tổng thống Biden và cựu Tổng thống Donald J. Trump nhấn mạnh sự cấp bách việc đảm bảo an ninh biên giới Mỹ-Mexico

President Biden and former (cựu) President Donald J. Trump made dueling visits to the U.S.-Mexico border on Thursday, with Mr. Biden challenging his predecessor to “join me” in securing the country’s southern frontier and Mr. Trump blaming the president for lawlessness at the border.

The remarks came at a moment of political peril for Mr. Biden, who has faced criticism from both parties as the number of people crossing into the United States has reached record levels (mức kỷ lục), with migrant encounters more than double than in the Trump years.

The president called on his predecessor (người tiền nhiệm) to help pass a bipartisan bill in Congress that would significantly crack down (trấn áp) on border crossings. Republicans, at Mr. Trump’s urging, torpedoed the bill — legislation (dự luật - pháp luật) that they themselves had demanded — saying it wasn’t strong enough.

Even Mr. Biden’s choice of Brownsville came under fire from Mr. Trump and his allies because the city has seen a recent dip in border crossings (vượt biên). They said Mr. Biden should have gone to a busier crossing. The administration said Brownsville was an example of how Mr. Biden works with Mexico to deter migrants (ngăn chặn người nhập cư).

Representative Vicente Gonzalez, Democrat of Texas, said on Thursday that despite Mr. Biden’s more forceful stance on immigration (lập trường mạnh mẽ về nhập cư), he does not put the president in the same category as Mr. Trump.

source: nytimes,

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