Kỷ nguyên tăng trưởng cao của Trung Quốc kết thúc?

Bắc Kinh công bố mục tiêu kinh tế hàng năm giống với năm ngoái, vì nước này tái tập trung vào lĩnh vực quan trọng mang tính chiến lược

China announced an official growth target (mục tiêu tăng trưởng) of about 5 percent on Tuesday that’s already looking hard to pull off. The world’s second-biggest economy is facing headwinds, from a consumer slowdown to weak investor confidence and a trade war with the West.

The growth target matches last year’s too, when the post-lockdown economy (nền kinh tế hậu phong tỏa) grew 5.2 percent. (Some analysts say the real growth rate was much lower.) Global investors need to accept that slow growth is the new norm, says Yu Jie, a senior fellow on China at Chatham House, a think tank. “Beijing wants to draw a line under the past economic model which focused on infrastructure and property,” she told DealBook.

Beijing’s real focus is reshaping the economy. The government knows that it faces a raft of challenges, but China’s leader, Xi Jinping, is trying to move away from debt-fueled sectors like property and move toward strategically important industries. The terms it uses are “high-quality development” and “new productive forces (lực lượng sản xuất),” which includes electric vehicles (xe điện), climate tech (công nghệ khí hậu), life sciences, and artificial intelligence. The latest measures to achieve that: Premier Li Qiang, China’s second-highest official, said on Tuesday that the government would increase spending for science (khoa học) and technology research by 10 percent.

It may also mean more pressure on private businesses (doanh nghiệp tư nhân) to toe the party line, with even bankers being ordered to be more patriotic and develop a “financial culture with Chinese characteristics.”

source: nytimes,

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