Vòng quay mới trên cánh cửa xoay: Quan chức Lầu Năm Góc chuyển sang làm nhà đầu tư mạo hiểm

sĩ quan nghỉ hưu và quan chức quốc phòng sắp nghỉ hưu đổ xô vào các công ty đầu tư thúc đẩy chính phủ cung cấp nhiều tiền hơn cho công ty khởi nghiệp về công nghệ quốc phòng

When Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III and other top officials assembled (các quan chức nhóm họp) for an event this month at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, they walked into a lesson in how the high-stakes world of Pentagon lobbying is being altered by the rise of defense technology startups.

Inside, at this elite gathering near Los Angeles of senior leaders from government and the arms industry, was a rapidly growing group of participants: former Pentagon officials and military officers who have joined venture capital firms and are trying to use their connections in Washington to cash in on the potential to sell a new generation of weapons.

This new route to the private sector is one indicator (chỉ báo) of the ways in which the United States is trying to become more agile in harnessing technological advances to maintain military superiority over China and other rivals.

But the close ties between venture capital firms (công ty đầu tư mạo hiểm) and Defense Department decision makers have also put a new twist on long-running questions about industry access and influence at a time when the Pentagon is under pressure to rethink how it allocates its huge procurement budget.

The staff director of the report, Stephen Rodriguez, is an executive at a defense venture capital firm. He also serves as an adviser to Applied Intuition, a software startup (công ty khởi nghiệp về phần mềm) and military contractor (nhà thầu quân sự) that helped fund and promote the report. Funding for the Atlantic Council report also came from several other venture-backed defense startups and Mr. Philippone’s Snowpoint Ventures.

source: nytimes,

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