Thành phố New York đặt mục tiêu xây dựng nhà ở giá rẻ tại các khu dân cư giàu có

chương trình mới cho phép thành phố chuyển tiền vào công trình xây dựng mới sau khi ưu đãi thuế có lợi cho nhà phát triển hết hiệu lực năm ngoái

New York City officials put forward a plan (đưa ra một kế hoạch) on Tuesday to direct public money toward mixed-income housing projects in wealthier neighborhoods — a proposal aimed at addressing the affordable housing shortage (thiếu nhà ở giá phải chăng) and spurring development after a lucrative property tax exemption lapsed last year.

Currently, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development uses city money to subsidize developments containing only affordable homes. But under the new plan, officials would make money available to projects that have a combination of affordable and market-rate homes (thị trường giá nhà).

The hope is that developers, who can no longer benefit from the property tax break, will produce more affordable units using the income from high-rent, market-rate apartments to supplement the city financing. Those units would also be in neighborhoods where affordable homes have traditionally not been built.

The new plan is essentially an end run around these constraints (hạn chế). The agency, which could implement the proposal without additional legislation (pháp luật bổ sung), will first seek input from developers through February to see where and how it might be deployed. Jolie Milstein, the president and chief executive of the New York State Association for Affordable Housing, called it an “innovative technique” that allowed the city to “build more affordable units in high-opportunity neighborhoods.”

The idea of subsidizing developments that include market-rate units may also prove contentious, with many in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party questioning how much public investment private developers should receive.

source: nytimes,

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