Đức Giáo Hoàng "để sự im lặng lên tiếng" khi Ngài bỏ qua bài diễn văn

việc Đức Thánh Cha Phanxicô lựa chọn bỏ qua bài phát biểu vào đầu tuần lễ Phục sinh ngay lập tức làm dấy lên mối lo ngại về sức khỏe của ngài

As tens of thousands of faithful holding palm fronds in St. Peter’s Square looked on, the moment arrived in the Palm Sunday Mass for Pope Francis to deliver his homily in a service marking the beginning of Holy Week, one of the most demanding and significant on the Christian calendar.

“And now we hear the words of the Holy Father,” said the commentator on the Vatican’s media channel.

Instead, the crowd outside and all of those tuning in heard Francis breathing and the wind blowing over the square, as the pope, 87, decided at the last moment to forgo the homily, the sermon that is central to the service, and remain silent.

Francis, who rarely walks now because of his bad knees, did not participate in the Macbethian procession of cardinals (cuộc rước các hồng y) around the obelisk in St. Peter’s Square, and instead blessed them from the altar (điện thờ).

Palm Sunday is the first event in a busy week that includes his washing-of-feet ritual in a women’s prison, his presiding over a nighttime procession commemorating the Way of the Cross at the Colosseum, a nighttime Easter Vigil at St. Peter’s Basilica and the Easter Sunday Mass in the square, when the pope delivers a major blessing (phước lành lớn) from the loggia overlooking the faithful.

Francis also prayed for all of those suffering because of war, “especially I think of martyred (tử đạo) Ukraine, where many people find themselves without electricity because of the intense attacks against infrastructure(tấn công dữ dội vào cơ sở hạ tầng), which, beyond causing death and suffering, bring about the risk of a human catastrophe of even greater dimensions. Please, don’t forget martyred Ukraine! And let us think of Gaza, which suffers so much.”

At the end of the service, Francis descended to greet cardinals in his wheelchair. Far from winded, he seemed chatty and in good spirits as he shook hands and laughed with the prelates. He then got in the top of the open-backed popemobile and took a prolonged spin around the square, smiling and waving as some in the crowd shouted, “Long live the pope.”

source: nytimes,

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