Rung chuyển bởi cuộc tấn công khủng bố chết người, Điện Kremlin tăng cường máy làm nhiễu thông tin

thừa nhận rằng Nhà nước Hồi giáo thực hiện vụ tấn công vào phòng hòa nhạc ở Moscow có nghĩa là thừa nhận sai sót về an ninh và nguy cơ làm loãng cuộc chiến tường thuật của Vladimir Putin với phương Tây

The bloody terrorist attack on a concert hall near Moscow had barely subsided before Russia launched a disinformation campaign suggesting that Ukraine and the West were somehow behind it, pushing a version of events molded to fit the Kremlin war narrative (tường thuật chiến tranh) and downplay a significant security failure.

President Vladimir V. Putin has hinted several times that Kyiv and Washington played a part, and the latest to join the chorus was Aleksandr Bortnikov, the director of the Federal Security Service, the top security agency in Russia. On Tuesday he said, without offering any evidence, that the assault “was prepared by both radical Islamists themselves and, naturally, facilitated by Western special services.”

When it comes to managing crises (quản lý khủng hoảng), disinformation has been a favorite tool of Mr. Putin’s Kremlin, and outside players like the United States are often the villain of choice. Examples stretch all the way back to the terrorist attack on a school in Beslan, Russia in 2004, that left more than 330 people dead, most of them children.

Moscow has arrested eight people in connection with the concert hall assault (tấn công), most of them from Tajikistan, the Central Asian nation whose citizens hold prominent positions in the Islamic State. The group has maintained its threats against Russian and other European targets, even after the collapse of its caliphate in Syria and Iraq by 2019.

source: nytimes,

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