Bác sĩ phẫu thuật ghép thận lợn vào bệnh nhân được coi là cột mốc y tế

bác sĩ cho biết người đàn ông tiếp tục hồi phục. Nội tạng từ lợn biến đổi gen có thể khiến phương pháp lọc máu trở nên lỗi thời

Surgeons in Boston have transplanted a kidney from a genetically engineered pig into an ailing 62-year-old man, the first procedure of its kind. If successful, the breakthrough offers hope to hundreds of thousands of Americans whose kidneys (thận) have failed.

So far, the signs are promising.

Kidneys remove waste products (loại bỏ chất thải) and excess fluid from the blood (chất lỏng dư thừa từ máu). The new kidney began producing urine shortly after the surgery last weekend and the patient’s condition continues to improve, according to physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital, known as Mass General. He is already walking the halls of the hospital and may be discharged soon.

A new source of kidneys “could solve an intractable problem in the field — the inadequate access of minority patients to kidney transplants,” said Dr. Winfred Williams, associate chief of the nephrology division (khoa thận) at Mass General and the patient’s primary kidney doctor.

The four-hour operation was carried out by a team of surgeons, including Dr. Tatsuo Kawai, director of the Legorreta Center for Clinical Transplant Tolerance at Mass General, and Dr. Nahel Elias.

The procedure was performed under a Food and Drug Administration protocol (giao thức) known as a compassionate use provision, which is granted to patients with life-threatening illness who might benefit from an unapproved treatment. New drugs to suppress the immune system and prevent rejection of the organ (ngăn chặn sự đào thải của nội tạng) were also used under the protocol.

source: nytimes,

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