Việc phát minh ra ngôn ngữ sa mạc cho 'Dune'

nhà xây dựng ngôn ngữ cho phim bắt đầu bằng những từ mà Frank Herbert tạo nên cho cuốn tiểu thuyết năm 1965 của ông nhưng đi xa hơn, tạo ra vốn từ vựng phong phú và quy tắc ngữ pháp cụ thể

The instrument is called a “compaction tool” in Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel, “Dune,” on which the films are based. But the professional language constructors David J. Peterson and Jessie Peterson wanted a more sophisticated word for it as the husband and wife built out the Fremen language, Chakobsa, for “Dune: Part Two,” which premiered earlier this month.

They started with a verb they had made up (tạo nên) meaning “to press” — “kira” — and, applying rules David Peterson had devised for the language before the first movie, fashioned another verb that means “to compress” or “to free space by compression” — “kiraza.” From there, they used his established suffixes to come up with a noun. Thus was born the Chakobsa word for a sand compressor, “kirzib,” which can be heard in background dialogue in “Dune: Part Two.”

Constructed languages (as opposed to so-called natural ones like English, Dutch or Japanese) date back roughly 1,000 years. J.R.R. Tolkien conceived several tongues (hình thành nhiều thứ tiếng) for the Middle-earth of his celebrated books, including the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy. (He called language construction his “secret vice.”) “The Klingon Dictionary,” based on the speech of the pugilistic people in “Star Trek,” was published in 1985.

Critics have questioned the decision by the filmmakers (including the Petersons) not to retain some of the linguistic vestiges of modern-day cultures (nền văn hóa hiện đại) that the novel uses. In the novel, for instance, the Fremen rebellion against their foreign overlords is referred to as a “jihad”; in the movie, it is called a “holy war.” Warner Bros., which produced the latest “Dune” films, declined to comment.

The choice not to import more modern-day resonances “dilutes Herbert’s anti-imperialist vision,” Haris A. Durrani wrote in The Washington Post upon the release of “Dune: Part One.” Manvir Singh argued last month in The New Yorker, “The world we see in ‘Dune’ was never meant to be fully sealed off (bịt kín hoàn toàn) from the one we know.”

source: nytimes,

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