Trump ủng hộ lệnh cấm phá thai liên bang

nhận xét trên chương trình phát thanh đưa ra sau khi cựu tổng thống bày tỏ sự ủng hộ riêng đối với lệnh cấm tương tự

Former President Donald J. Trump indicated this week that he was likely to back a 15-week federal ban on abortion, with exceptions for rape, incest and life-threatening emergencies (trường hợp khẩn cấp đe dọa tính mạng).

The comments, which Mr. Trump made Tuesday on the WABC radio show “Sid & Friends in the Morning,” are in line with previous reporting that he had privately expressed support for a 16-week ban. But saying it publicly ties him concretely to a position that has been toxic for many Republicans.

A KFF poll released this month found that 58 percent of Americans opposed a 16-week ban. In Virginia last year, Republicans campaigned on the 15-week threshold — describing it, as Mr. Trump is doing, as a reasonable middle ground (trung gian hợp lý). They lost control (mất kiểm soát) of the state’s House of Delegates.

Voters have also consistently expressed opposition (liên tục bày tỏ sự phản đối) to abortion (phá thai) restrictions in states that have put a referendum or constitutional amendment on the ballot, even when anti-abortion activists sought to center the campaign on abortions later in pregnancy.

Mr. Trump has boasted about appointing three of the Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe. But until Tuesday, he had tried hard to avoid saying what he would do if re-elected, even as his allies went public with their hope that he would use executive actions to effectively ban abortion without legislation (cấm phá thai một cách hiệu quả mà không cần luật pháp).

President Biden’s campaign quickly responded to Mr. Trump’s interview with a statement from Amanda Zurawski, who was initially denied an abortion in Texas despite life-threatening complications and is one of several women suing over Texas’ abortion ban (cấm phá thai).

source: nytimes,

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