Anh chuyển sang cấm quyền sở hữu báo chí của nước ngoài, đòn giáng mạnh vào giá thầu điện báo

lời đề nghị trị giá khoảng 1 tỷ USD từ cựu giám đốc CNN Jeff Zucker và người ủng hộ ở Tiểu vương quốc Dubai của ông làm dấy lên mối lo ngại giữa nhà lập pháp về tờ báo nổi tiếng bảo thủ

An audacious effort by the American media executive (điều hành truyền thông) Jeff Zucker and his Emirati backers to acquire London’s Daily Telegraph appeared to be on life support on Wednesday after the British government advanced legislation (pháp luật tiên tiến của chính phủ) that would bar foreign state ownership of newspapers and newsmagazines.

The move by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak would torpedo Mr. Zucker’s bid in its current form, which relies heavily on financing from investment partners in the United Arab Emirates. The use of Emirati funds caused an uproar in Westminster over foreign influence (ảnh hưởng nước ngoài) in the British media, given the outsize importance of The Telegraph and its sister publication, The Spectator, to Mr. Sunak’s Conservative Party.

Mr. Zucker’s media venture company, RedBird IMI, can now try to salvage (cứu hộ) its bid for the publications by finding new investors (nhà đầu tư mới) and diluting the Emiratis’ majority stake to a level allowed under the government’s proposed rules.

The attempt by Mr. Zucker, a former president of CNN, to reinvent himself as an unlikely news mogul in Britain shocked many of the country’s leading media players, including Rupert Murdoch, who had considered acquiring The Telegraph for themselves after the paper went up for auction last year.

Prominent Tories, including the broadcaster Andrew Neil and Fraser Nelson, editor of The Spectator, pounced on Mr. Zucker’s reliance on Emirati funds, turning the transaction into a political flashpoint over foreign influence on British institutions and galvanizing opposition (kích động sự phản đối) from Conservative Party lawmakers.

If Mr. Zucker withdraws his bid for The Telegraph, one potential acquirer is Paul Marshall, a British hedge-fund billionaire. Mr. Marshall bankrolled GB News, an upstart television channel that has emerged as a kind of aspiring Fox News, giving a platform to populist firebrands like Nigel Farage.

This is not the first time that Britain’s clubby media world has shown hostility to outsiders. Mr. Murdoch’s purchase of The Times of London in 1981 was jeered as a hijacking by an upstart Australian. Mr. Murdoch, who also owns The Sun, is expected to pursue ownership of The Spectator, a prestigious weekly magazine (tuần báo uy tín).

source: nytimes,

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