Mỹ và châu Âu để mắt đến tài sản của Nga hỗ trợ Ukraine khi nguồn tài trợ cạn kiệt

bất chấp dè dặt về mặt pháp lý, nhà hoạch định chính sách cân nhắc hậu quả của việc sử dụng tài sản trị giá 300 tỷ USD của Nga để hỗ trợ nỗ lực chiến tranh của Kyiv

The Biden administration is quietly signaling new support (lặng lẽ báo hiệu hỗ trợ mới) for seizing more than $300 billion in Russian central bank assets stashed in Western nations, and has begun urgent discussions with allies about using the funds to aid Ukraine’s war effort (hậu quả chiến tranh) at a moment when financial support is waning (hỗ trợ tài chính đang suy yếu), according to senior American and European officials.

Until recently, Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen had argued that without action by Congress, seizing the funds was “not something that is legally permissible in the United States.” There has also been concern among some top American officials that nations around the world would hesitate to keep their funds at the New York Federal Reserve, or in dollars, if the United States established a precedent for seizing the money (thiết lập một tiền lệ để tịch thu tiền).

The more than $300 billion of Russian assets (tai sản) under discussion have already been out of Moscow’s control for more than a year. After the invasion of Ukraine, the United States, along with Europe and Japan, used sanctions to freeze the assets, denying Russia access to its international reserves.

Factions of Congress have previously tried to attach provisions to the annual defense bill to allow the Justice Department to seize Russian assets belonging to officials under sanction and funnel the proceeds from the sale of those assets to Ukraine to help pay for weapons. But the efforts have faltered amid concerns that the proposals (đề xuất) were not thoroughly vetted.

With Ukraine running low on funds and ammunition (sắp hết tiền và đạn dược), the debate about how to provide more aid could shift from a legal question to a moral question (câu hỏi đạo đức).

source: nytimes,

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