Tại sao người Trung Quốc 'đổ xô' đến thị thực toàn cầu mới của Hồng Kông?

thành phố tạo ra thị thực để thu hút chuyên gia từ khắp nơi trên thế giới. Hầu hết người tham gia là người Trung Quốc tìm kiếm việc làm tốt hơn, trường học tốt hơn và tự do hơn

To some foreign expatriates (người nước ngoài), Hong Kong has lost its appeal as an international city and no longer feels like home since Beijing took a heavier hand in its governance. But for many former mainland Chinese like Angelina Wang, it has become a more attractive place to live and work.

Among visa holders now working in Hong Kong, many were employed in finance, information technology and commerce services, according to a survey by the city government in November. They had a monthly median income of 50,000 Hong Kong dollars, or about $6,400, more than twice the median income (gấp đôi thu nhập trung bình) in Hong Kong.

Mainland Chinese interviewed by The New York Times cited several reasons for seeking the visa. Some said Hong Kong provided better pay and career opportunities, as well as better schools, greater freedom, and greater respect for women and people who are L.G.B.T.Q.

The wave of working professionals is a welcome development for Hong Kong. Beijing imposed a sweeping national security law on the city in 2020 in response to pro-democracy protests (biểu tình ủng hộ dân chủ), and on Tuesday the Hong Kong government enacted another security law that gave the authorities even more power to punish dissent (bất đồng ý kiến). During the Covid-19 pandemic, Hong Kong rolled out some of the world’s toughest travel restrictions, hurting its economy (tổn hại nền kinh tế). About 200,000 people left the city from the middle of 2019 to the end of 2022, according to city figures. The population has since ticked up by about the same amount to 7.5 million.

As a British colony, Hong Kong was long allowed to exercise a high degree of autonomy over its governance and laws — a system that China promised to continue after Britain handed over control in 1997. This status has come under question in the past several years. Still, some of the migrants said they saw Hong Kong as an escape from mainland China.

But the authorities in Hong Kong continue to hew closer to Beijing’s rules. In February, they added a new national security assessment as part of the visa application process (quá trình xin thị thực) to ensure that people they define as a threat to Hong Kong cannot enter.

source: nytimes,

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