Apple bị EU phạt 2 tỷ USD về việc sử dụng App Store cản trở cạnh tranh

Apple cho biết họ kháng cáo hình phạt này, vụ mới nhất trong một loạt trở ngại pháp lý đối với gã khổng lồ công nghệ

Apple on Monday was fined 1.8 billion euros ($1.95 billion) by European Union regulators for thwarting competition among music streaming rivals, a severe punishment (phạt nặng) levied against the tech giant in a long-simmering battle over the powerful role it plays as gatekeeper of the App Store.

The penalty, announced by the E.U. antitrust regulator (cơ quan quản lý chống độc quyền), is the culmination of a five-year investigation set in motion by one of its biggest rivals, Spotify. Regulators said Apple illegally used its App Store dominance to box out rivals.

The action by the European Commission, the E.U. executive branch, is the latest in a series of regulations and penalties to target the App Store. Most of the disputes are because Apple requires that apps use its in-app payment service for sales. It takes as much as a 30 percent commission on each transaction, a fee that many developers say is excessive.

In a briefing last month, Apple said that European regulators had been searching for a legal theory for the case for nearly a decade, in fits and starts. Apple challenged the idea that Spotify users haven’t been able to subscribe to music services through other means, saying that Spotify has added more than 100 million subscribers outside its app over the past eight years.

In 2022, the 27-nation bloc largely sided with developers (nhà phát triển) in writing the Digital Markets Act that requires Apple to open the iPhone to competing app stores and allow app makers to directly accept payments. The rules go into effect Thursday.

Apple says that Spotify’s decision to link to its website means that it doesn’t pay for many of the services that benefit the music streaming service, including software tools and hardware improvements like advanced media playback. It also complained that Spotify met with European regulators more than 60 times during the course of the investigation.

source: nytimes,

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