Người sáng lập China Evergrande bị cáo buộc phóng đại doanh thu hơn 105 tỷ USD

tập đoàn Evergrande của Trung Quốc phóng đại doanh thu của mình hơn 78 tỷ USD (105 tỷ USD) và phạm tội gian lận chứng khoán trong hai năm trước khi sụp đổ ngoạn mục vào năm 2021, cơ quan quản lý hàng đầu của Trung Quốc cho biết

The China Securities Regulatory Commission accused Evergrande founder Hui Ka Yan of “making decisions and organising fraud”, the company reported in a filing to the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges on the night of March 18.

Hui was fined US$6.5 million and banned from China’s financial markets (thị trường tài chính) for life. Xia Haijun, a former chief executive, was fined US$2 million and also banned from financial markets, along with several other executives. The company’s main onshore unit, Hengda, was fined US$580 million.

In the company filing, Hengda laid the blame solely on Hui. As chairman (chủ tịch) of Evergrande, Hui was in charge of all of the company’s real estate business and “instructed other personnel to falsely increase the performance (tăng hiệu suất một cách sai lầm)”, the company wrote. He did so, it added, “with exceptionally bad means and exceptionally serious circumstances”.

Regulators found that Hengda inflated its revenue by nearly US$30 billion in 2019 and by US$48.6 billion in 2020. Then it raised money in financial markets based on the falsified numbers (số liệu giả).

After it defaulted, Evergrande tried to work with private lenders and international investors who had lent it tens of billions of dollars overseas. In the summer of 2023, the company reported that it had made progress towards a restructuring deal. Then, in September, Hui was detained by the authorities and all restructuring talks (đàm phán tái cơ cấu) came to an end.

source: straitstimes,

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