Gia tăng tội phạm vị thành niên ở Trung Quốc do sử dụng mạng xã hội

mặc dù các nhà chức trách tăng cường nỗ lực bảo vệ tư pháp cho trẻ vị thành niên, Viện Kiểm sát Nhân dân Tối cao nhấn mạnh rằng hoạt động tội phạm trực tuyến ngày càng gia tăng đặt ra những thách thức mới cho các cơ quan pháp luật.


China prosecuted (truy tố) 243,000 individuals for crimes against minors (trẻ vị thành niên) between 2020 and 2023, with annual prosecutions rising at an average rate of 5.4% during that period.

This was among the data released by China’s Supreme People’s Procuratorate (Viện kiểm sát nhân dân tối cao), with Deputy Procurator-General Gong Ming stating that authorities were increasing their focus on strengthening judicial protections (bảo vệ tư pháp) and safeguarding the well-being of minors.

Xian Jie, head of the top procuratorate’s Ninth Procuratorial Office, also emphasized the growing influence of the internet on minors: More than 97% of minors have internet access, with over 91% using mobile devices to connect. Xian underscored that while the internet offers convenience, it also poses significant risks to minors, including the danger of becoming victims of sexual abuse (lạm dụng tình dục).

In response to rising concerns over internet-facilitated crimes (tội phạm được hỗ trợ bởi internet) against minors, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, in collaboration with the Supreme People’s Court, issued a directive (chỉ thị) last May aiming to clamp down on such offenses. It calls for stringent penalties for those exploiting (khai thác) the internet to commit sexual crimes against minors, including coercing or manipulating them into obscene acts online.

source: Sixth Tone,

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