Trí tuệ nhân tạo theo dõi thực phẩm chúng ta vứt đi

trí tuệ nhân tạo nghiên cứu các thùng rác của nhà hàng và thu thập dữ liệu về cửa hàng tạp hóa để cố gắng tìm ra cách chuyển ít thức ăn thừa vào thùng rác

A supermarket can suddenly see, hidden in its own sales data, that yellow onions aren’t selling as fast as red onions and are more likely to be trashed.

The brains behind both of these efforts: Artificial intelligence.

It’s part of an emerging industry (ngành công nghiệp mới nổi) that’s trying to cash in on a senseless human problem: The huge amounts of uneaten food (lượng lớn thức ăn thừa) that go from supermarkets and restaurants to the dumpster. Much of that, if it’s not composted, ends up in landfills where it decays, sending potent planet-warming greenhouse gases (gửi đi khí thải nhà kính có khả năng làm nóng hành tinh) into the atmosphere.

Enter a new business opportunity (cơ hội kinh doanh). A company called Winnow has developed the A.I. tool that spies on restaurant garbage. Another, company, Afresh, digests supermarket data to look for wasteful mismatches between what a store is stocking, and what people are buying.

Globally, 1 billion metric tons of food went to waste in 2022, according to the United Nations Environment Program. Food waste accounts for 8 to 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, roughly equal to emissions from aviation and shipping combined.

Winnow installs cameras above garbage bins in restaurant kitchens. The images are fed into an algorithm that can tell the difference between a half pan of lasagna (valuable) and a banana peel (not so much). A group of Hilton Hotels that rolled out the tool recently learned many of its breakfast pastries were too big — and also that baked beans were commonly left unfinished.

source: nytimes,

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