Nhà lập pháp Canada làm chứng rằng sinh viên Trung Quốc được cử đến bầu cử cho ông

Han Dong, thành viên Quốc hội bị cáo buộc hưởng lợi từ sự giúp đỡ của chính phủ Trung Quốc, làm chứng tại phiên điều trần công khai về can thiệp của nước ngoài

A member of Canada’s Parliament testified on Tuesday that high school students from China were transported by bus to vote for him in a party election (bầu cử đảng) that is at the center of a federal inquiry into interference in Canadian elections by China and other foreign countries.

Testifying during a public hearing in Ottawa, the Parliament member, Han Dong, a Chinese-Canadian politician formerly from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party, said that he had met and sought the support of the students from a private high school (trường trung học tư thục) in 2019, but that he did not know who had chartered or paid for the bus on the day of the election.

Under President Xi Jinping’s aggressive foreign policy (chính sách đối ngoại hung hăng), China has tapped into its diasporas worldwide (người hải ngoại trên toàn thế giới) to try to influence local politics, according to intelligence officials, academics and diaspora members (thành viên hải ngoại). Other nations like Australia have tried to curb China’s influence, including by establishing a registry of foreign agents.

The inquiry commission, which is led by Marie-Josée Hogue, a Court of Appeal justice from Quebec, is required to issue a preliminary report in May and a final one in December.

The Chinese government leads other nations in interfering in Canadian politics, according to an intelligence briefing disclosed during the hearings. But worries over meddling widened (mở rộng can thiệp) last year, when Mr. Trudeau accused Indian government agents of killing a Canadian Sikh leader in Vancouver.

source: nytimes,

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