Ford giảm tốc độ phát triển xe điện
nhà sản xuất ô tô cho biết họ sẽ trì hoãn các mẫu xe chạy bằng pin mới và chuyển trọng tâm sang xe hybrid, doanh số bán loại xe tăng nhanh
ord Motor on Thursday delayed the production of at least two new electric cars and said it would pivot to making more hybrids. Its decision was the latest sign that large automakers have been forced to rethink their strategy for electric vehicles because sales for those models are slowing.
The shift by Ford and automakers like General Motors and Mercedes-Benz, which have also pushed back their electric car plans, has been prompted largely by the companies’ difficulties in making and selling (khó khăn trong việc sản xuất và bán) enough electric cars and doing so profitably.
Sales of such vehicles are still growing, but the pace has slowed sharply in recent months as automakers have tapped out many of the early adopters who were willing to spend more than $50,000 on a new battery-powered car. Because they are still learning how to make the cars and their batteries at lower cost, the companies have not been able to bring out more affordable models (mẫu mã giá cả phải chăng).
Many car buyers interested in electric vehicles appear to be choosing hybrid cars, which can cost just a few hundred dollars more than comparable gasoline-only models (mẫu xe chỉ chạy bằng xăng tương đương) and in some cases offer much better fuel economy. Those cars are also easier for consumers to get used to because they don’t have to be plugged in and are fueled like conventional models.
The company sold more than 7,700 F-150 Lightning pickups, its flagship electric model (mẫu xe điện hàng đầu), in the three months. As recently as last summer, Ford hoped to be able to produce some 150,000 Lightnings trucks a year. The company recently reduced Lightning production to one shift per day from two.
Two years ago, Ford, G.M., Volkswagen and other automakers were planning to introduce dozens of new electric cars and trucks, expecting consumers to make a rapid transition to electric vehicles from gasoline-powered vehicles.
source: nytimes,
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