Sam Bankman-Fried bị kết án 25 năm tù

Bankman-Fried, người kết tội ăn cắp 8 tỷ USD từ khách hàng trên sàn giao dịch tiền điện tử FTX của mình, phải đối mặt với mức án tối đa là 110 năm

Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange who was convicted of stealing billions of dollars from customers, was sentenced to 25 years in prison on Thursday, capping an extraordinary saga that upended the crypto industry and became a cautionary tale of greed and hubris (câu chuyện cảnh báo về lòng tham và sự kiêu ngạo).

Mr. Bankman-Fried’s sentence was shorter than the 40 to 50 years that federal prosecutors had sought after a jury found him guilty of fraud (phạm tội lừa đảo), conspiracy and money laundering — charges that carried a maximum penalty (hình phạt tối đa) of 110 years behind bars. But the punishment was far above the six and a half years requested by his defense lawyers (luật sư bào chữa).

The sentencing signified the finale of a sweeping fraud case that exposed the rampant volatility and risk-taking across the loosely regulated (quy định lỏng lẻo) world of cryptocurrencies. In November 2022, FTX imploded virtually overnight, erasing $8 billion in customer savings. At a trial last fall, he was convicted of seven counts of fraud, conspiracy and money laundering.

The prosecutors rejected that argument (công tố viên bác bỏ lập luận). While FTX’s new leadership has predicted that customers will eventually get their deposits back, the money they receive will be equivalent to the dollar value of their holdings in November 2022 — and won’t account for a recent surge in the crypto markets that sent Bitcoin to its highest-ever price.

source: nytimes,

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