Mỹ và Trung Quốc tiếp tục đàm phán nhưng khoảng cách kinh tế còn lớn

sự thù địch trong năm bầu cử sẽ khiến Washington và Bắc Kinh gặp khó khăn trong việc tìm kiếm các lĩnh vực hợp tác về thương mại và đầu tư

When Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen traveled to Beijing last summer, her mission was to re-establish a dialogue between the world’s largest economies and stabilize a relationship (ổn định mối quan hệ) that appeared to have reached rock bottom (chạm đáy).

The United States and China created formal economic working groups to keep the conversation going. Months later, Ms. Yellen met with her Chinese counterparts in San Francisco and Morocco. And the Treasury secretary’s consumption of a dish made with psychedelic “magic” mushrooms at a Yunnan-style restaurant in Beijing sparked something of a culinary craze in China, where Ms. Yellen is popular for being an acclaimed economist (nhà kinh tế nổi tiếng).

American companies operating in China have complained over the last year about having their offices searched and facing harassment from Chinese authorities. Ms. Yellen, who will meet with American business executives in Guangzhou, has been seeking clarity on the scope of a Chinese anti-espionage law that foreign firms (công ty nước ngoài) believe will lead to additional government scrutiny.

China’s leaders are pushing to change the perception that the country is no longer a sound place for foreign investors to put their money. Beijing has reason to be concerned: Foreign direct investment in China fell to its lowest levels in three decades last year, and the government took a series of measures that left foreign businesses feeling that the country is an increasingly hostile place to operate. On top of that, concerns about China’s economy have left many companies less willing to tolerate the trade-offs of running a business in the country.

The United States has imposed extensive restrictions (hạn chế rộng rãi) on the sale of advanced computing chips, chip-making equipment and related products to China, saying Beijing has used these goods to develop advanced weapons and surveillance systems that ran counter to U.S. national security interests (lợi ích an ninh quốc gia).

source: nytimes,

China continues to bristle at those restrictions. After the White House revised rules for exporting American artificial intelligence chips and chip-making equipment last week, China criticized the United States, saying it was arbitrarily changing the rules and creating more obstacles to trade.

source: nytimes,

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