Yellen thấy 'còn nhiều việc phải làm' khi cuộc đàm phán về Trung Quốc kết thúc không có đột phá

bộ trưởng Tài chính Janet L. Yellen được đón tiếp nồng nhiệt ở Trung Quốc, nhưng rõ ràng là mức độ tin cậy giữa hai bên không sâu sắc

Four days of top-level economic meetings between the United States and China concluded in Beijing on Monday with no major breakthrough (bước đột phá lớn), but the world’s two largest economies agreed to hold more discussions to address rising friction over trade (thảo luận nhằm giải quyết xung đột gia tăng về thương mại), investment and national security.

The conversation is poised to become even more difficult, however, as hopes of greater economic cooperation collide with a harsh political reality (thực tế chính trị khắc nghiệt): It is an election year in the United States, and antipathy toward China is running high. At the same time, Chinese officials appeared unmoved by Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen’s urging that China scale back its recent surge of green energy technology exports (gia tăng xuất khẩu công nghệ năng lượng xanh), which could threaten American jobs.

The most pressing matter that is likely to divide the United States and China in the coming months is how the Biden administration plans to address concerns that Chinese exports of electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries and solar panels pose a threat to the very industries that the United States is spending trillions of dollars to develop domestically (phát triển trong nước).

During the talks, Chinese officials voiced concerns about U.S. national security measures directed at China. The Biden administration has been focused on preventing China from gaining access to information about American consumers; restricting China’s access to technology, such as semiconductors, that could advance its military; and preventing electric vehicles with Chinese components from being eligible for U.S. subsidies through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

During her trip, Ms. Yellen has sought to learn more about Chinese culture. Her visits to a Cantonese restaurant in Guangzhou and a Sichuanese restaurant in Beijing drew attention on Chinese social media. And on Sunday, the Treasury secretary learned about the history of the Ming and Qing Dynasties during a private tour of the Forbidden City.

Ms. Yellen emphasized on Monday that while the United States wants to protect national security, it does not seek to sever trade and investment between the two countries.

source: nytimes,

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