"Follow suit" nghĩa là gì?

Photo courtesy gfpeck.

'Follow suit' có một từ mới là suit nghĩa là một trong bốn bộ hoa tạo nên một cỗ bài tây. To follow suit có nghĩa là hành động hay xử sự theo cung cách mà người khác vừa mới làm, bắt chước cách làm của người khác.

Ví dụ
Who wants to wear formal business clothes (quần áo trịnh trọng) every day? For many employees, Friday is when you can dress casually. You might even be allowed to wear jeans. It seems the trend (khuynh hướng) began in California in the late 1990s. Before long, workplaces throughout the U.S. copied the practice. Other countries have been following suit (bắt chước) ever since.

Thanksgiving is several weeks away, but my aunt is planning for the holiday already. She wants to ensure that we have the best holiday feast ever. However, I’m not sure (không chắc) that my wife wants to have to cook. After all (nói cho cùng thì), unlike women of generations (thế hệ) ago, my wife works in an office full-time. Many Americans prefer to let a nice restaurant do all the work of preparing a huge meal (bữa ăn thịnh soạn). My wife might decide to follow suit.

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