"Touch and go" nghĩa là gì?

Sờ rồi chạy :D. Photo courtesy Nicolas Fuentes.

'Touch and go' có nghĩa là không chắc chắn về kết quả, hay đầy bất trắc, nguy hiểm.

Ví dụ
My first date with Jean was touch and go (không chắc có kết quả tốt) for a while. After I spilled (làm đổ) dessert (đồ tráng miệng) all over the table and accidentally (vô ý) shut the car door on her dress, I thought she might not want to see me again. But by the end of the evening we were joking (nói đùa) about what happened and she wanted to know when we could get together next.

When my daughter was born several weeks too early, it was uncertain whether she would live or not. Her condition (tình trạng sức khỏe) was touch and go (khá trầm trọng). Fortunately, like more and more premature (thiếu tháng) babies today, she was able to leave the hospital and has a good chance for normal growth and development.

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