"Get down to the nitty-gritty" nghĩa là gì?

I have to keep my feminine side updated. What does he want? Love - or just sex. Photo courtesy David J.

'Get down to the nitty-gritty' (shared via VOA) có nitty tính từ của nit là trứng chấy hay trứng rận, và gritty tính từ của grit là những hạt sạn nhỏ hay bột ngô, tức là những cái gì nhỏ nhặt. Người Mỹ dùng thành ngữ này để mô tả những chi tiết cơ bản của một vấn đề.

Ví dụ
D. Claeys Bahrenburg, publisher since July, has decided to get down to the nitty gritty. His agency, Baron & Zaretsky, has produced a print campaign that is a paean to Cosmo and its place in a spoiled, hedonistic, consumer society, which should immediately endear it to a great variety of advertisers.

I was going to be a guitarist for a rock band, but once I got down to the nitty gritty, I realized it took too much practice (tập luyện). Now I’m an accountant (nhân viên kế toán).

That’s all great, but we still haven’t gotten down to the nitty gritty. How much is this all going to cost? Money is a fundamental (cơ bản) consideration (cân nhắc) here.

As for damage to Libyan civilian areas, he said, 'If it was one of our bombs, I'm sorry about that.' Mr. Reagan said he was not going to Tokyo 'to get some great big declaration about the evils of terrorism and then think we'd done our duty.' He added, 'We want to get down to the nitty-gritty and get some agreement as to how we're going to deal with it.' (NYTimes, 4/1986).

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