"Deficit hawk" nghĩa là gì?

This guy pissed off a few of the pro-Bush activists. Photo courtesy Travis.

'Deficit hawk' là từ lóng ám chỉ ai đó muốn chính quyền phải giữ mức ngân sách liên bang trong vòng kiểm soát, những người này thường yêu cầu cả hai biện pháp tăng thuế và giảm chi tiêu của chính phủ; người theo phái diều hâu chống thâm hụt.

Ví dụ
Deficit hawk lawmakers have found something they want to spend money on: medical research (nghiên cứu y tế).

She will be a generic deficit hawk but, until recently, she spent nearly five years ducking over $480,000 in debts owed to creditors from that 2010 Senate campaign (which she lost by double digits).

September 11, 2001, changed American life; it also transformed the federal budget. The projected surplus of early 2001 had been based on bullish forecasts for strong economic growth. The bursting of the tech bubble and subsequent recession significantly lowered those projections. The economic damage caused by the terrorist attacks drove them down even more. Then we faced the essential cost of securing the country and fighting the war on terror. In November 2001, Mitch Daniels, a fiscal hawk from Indiana who ably led my Office of Management and Budget (Cục Quản lý Hành chính và Ngân sách Hoa Kỳ), delivered the official report: The so-called surplus had vanished in ten months.

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